letterize is a tool to generate English-plausible alphabetic mnemonics from phone numbers, for simple example:

$ letterize 565

I wanted to try out letterize because I made Elementize months ago. Somehow, I thought it was doing other way around, that is words to numbers, even though its name already saying letterize. Originally, I was hoping to have word->number so it would make more sense to use with the following command. I did try to see if any programs do that, but it might be just too easy task, simple many-to-one mapping would convert words easily, therefore I couldn’t find any.

cwtext converts text into Morse Code and audio version of the code. For examples:

$ echo lol | cwtext
.-.. --- .-..
$ echo lol | cwpcm > lol.pcm

The audio format is 1 channel, 44.1 kHz, 8-bit PCM audio. Its website doesn’t mention the format, so I had to read the source code to get the correctly parameters.

To play the PCM, you need to specify those parameters correctly:

mplayer -quiet -rawaudio samplesize=1:channels=1:rate=44100 -demuxer rawaudio output.pcm

To convert it into other audio formats:

ffmpeg -ar 44100 -ac 1 -f s8 -acodec pcm_s8 -i output.pcm output.ext

I made an audio, guess what’s the word I was using, click to listen to the audio:


Also a simple script to respond with Morse Code to keypress.