autopep8 definitely is a savior for some people. I put some random stuff and tested it, the result is okay. I think I was hoping it could magically somehow fix my weird super long code, but it couldn’t. But for most parts or issues, it fixes quite well.

This script is the input file and the output and output with aggresive option. Note that pep8 still reports line too long and unexpected indentation error on the output files.

It can fix entire project at one go, so a big project this would be a way to go PEP8.

I always have my Makefile included tests, such as PEP8 and pyflakes. Whenever I make a change, I run the test before commit and only commit the changes when no errors. Therefore, autopep8 wouldn’t have any benefit for me, but it’s fun to watch it work.

I think it’s very like 2to3 fixer, similar design, but more of one-off deal in my opinion.