When I started to put ads on this blog, it’s always something annoying to me because there is no ad unit size with 640 pixels in width.

I never could understand why there is no ad size with 640 pixels in width, I did search for an explanation years ago, but couldn’t find an answer at the time. I am guessing that 640 is historically a screen width and displaying an ads to the screen edge isn’t a good idea and probably would be cut off due to window borders, scroll bar would have be used in order to view entire ad and that might reduce the performance of ads. That’s just my conjecture.

Now AdSense announced a new custom option, but hold your horses before you want to create a new ad unit for that.

From what I saw and tested on this blog, it’s just a lazy method. Basically, it tries to find a size perfect matches; if no exact size ad unit available, it tries to find a smaller one, then put that at center of the ad area. So, it’s more or less that it does positioning for you in a bigger area with smaller ad unit, and that’s probably is all.

I put 640x60 at top and 640x90 at bottom, tried bottom 640x60, but for some reason the bottom one became blank. Probably just a glitch, or there is some restriction that I am not aware of.

By the chance of writing this blog post, I’d like to express my thought about ads.

I am not against it as you can clearly see I put ads on my blog. However, I am not against using ad blocking add-ons, either, because I have Adblock Plus installed on my Firefox.

My excuse is there are plenty of bad websites which just make tons of contents with no quality at all, there is no soul or anything in those contents, their only purpose is to make money, one way or another.

When you can trust an website, then it’s time to disable the ad blocker on that website. I also disable on YouTube, because most of videos I watch are by my subscriptions.

Have I ever clicked on an ads because I really want to see more about it? Yes, but only once, if I recall correctly. I can’t remember what the ads was, but it’s out of curiosity not because I wanted to buy the product or service or whatever it’s selling.

Have I ever clicked on ads by accidents? Yes, a few times, some would trick you to click an X icon, make you think that’s a way to stop that annoying flashing images.

Not only there are bad websites, there are also bad ads. They use everything to make you go to their websites, trick you to click on ads. Fake [X] button, or something luring you to click on.

I hate those Flash ads, and ever since AdSense provided more controls to choose what to display, I disabled those so-called Expandable, Enhanced text, Enhanced display, Animated display, Social ads. If I don’t like them, them I don’t want others to see those on my blog.

Immediately, I could tell the earning was dropping really badly as the warning that AdSense has given me beforehand:

Please keep in mind that when you opt out, it affects all relevant ad units and not just an individual ad unit, which may have an impact on your earnings.

Money or principle? Principle.

But I think the control should be in visitors’ hands, they should be the one have the power to choose what to see, not the publishers, not me, but you. Unfortunately, AdSense is made for making money. If they give that to you, they might as well as close down. But who knows, a world without advertising and marketing might bring something good? Well, it’s a double-bladed thing, just like everything else.

Visitors should have power to choose if they want to view or watch ads, even the option for no ads. Yes, they should have that option and I have no problem with people reading my blog and not wanting to see any ads. I would rather letting them to have choices to disable the ads and not installing Adblock.

Some people work hard to produce good quality of contents and some don’t. I am more than happy to watch ads for those good stuff. Unfortunately, the Internet is full of junks, not only the contents but also the ads.

There are honest people, but if AdSense doesn’t provide any options to allow people to disable ads at once, then there is always ad blocking add-on and more bad ads. Even honest people wouldn’t be able to stand those junk any longer, they choose the shortcut, the ad blocker.

But that’s just me believing options should be in visitors’ hands, the reality is visitors have to watch ads. Is it right to use ad blocker? No. I honestly don’t think so, and it’s not because what I said above. Indeed, I am doing the way I don’t agree with.