Yes, this is a post which is supposed to be first post in 2014, a post initially I didn’t want to write. Now I just did, two weeks into 2014.

1   Primary goal

I only have one primary goal for 2014: CLI (Command-line Interface)

As you may already know, I love CLI, I choose command-line interface over GUI any day of the year, when there is no definitive reason for performing a task with GUI.

The last few months of 2013, I started to make some videos on my YouTube channel with hope that I could somehow bring more people on board, sharing my view about CLI and computer usage.

Frankly, I was trying to promote and not promoting at the same time. I don’t really like the idea of selling, pitching something, trying to convince someone. I’m not a salesman.

I just recorded some programs and that’s all I did. Honestly, I didn’t know how or what I should do to get people understand that they are wasting time, resources, and human energy on some simple tasks which can be done with just one command.

I still don’t know how to do without crossing the invisible line which is drawn in my mind. Nonetheless, I am trying and I might find a good way to achieve my goal. It’s a simple goal, show people that you should be using computer, not the other way around.

But for now, things will be as they are. I will still be making videos in same style, writing blog posts which nobody read. However, if you have any idea how I can make my goal fulfilled, please do share with me, as well as any good programs or great tips.

2   Personal goals

On more personal level, I am preparing some topics I haven’t actually tried hard to write about. For example, I am trying to reboot my sourdough starter for baking my own bread again. I am also trying to ferment vegetables, such as sauerkraut, and (planning) planting veggies. If I do succeed on those, there will be posts.

Since I need to take some photos, Flickr is used again. I uploaded photos right after I took them, I wanted them to be semi-standalone, don’t have to wait until I have something concrete to write about.

Recipes, something I always want to write. But I’m not good at those, they would be something more like telling my experience of making something in that photo if I finally write one. They definitely won’t be some gourmet dishes, actually, I have one dish in mind. A lazy recipe for lazy person, and certainly wouldn’t fit into the healthy category.

On blogging, beside the CLI goal, I want to introduce some good stuff that I enjoy, such as blogs, YouTube channels, or even television shows. I have actually already written a few blog posts about those.

Speaking of television shows, since I watch a lot, writing reviews could also be a good goal to take on. But most of television shows ain’t worth a blog post in my opinion, even those on Discovery channel. Nevertheless, it’s brought out and I will try to see if I could squeeze something out.

Coding probably is the most underachieved goal. I didn’t code a lot in recent years, even those I have coded for all my needs, but those simply are not interested by others. I will try to contribute, but a good project is hard to come by, even there are many new projects are born every single day.