On 1/8/2014, I had a surprise from my worm bin #3, which I believe would be a success after two failures, but that’d be another post when those baby wigglers grow up. The following photo was taken on 1/10, it has been growing.

Life in a dump by livibetter, on Flickr

My worm bin #3, 3 weeks later.

That seedling I am 99% sure is a chili. When I first noticed that there was a while and pale green thingy poking through cardboard pieces. I wasn’t sure until I took second look.

This bin, or container in more appropriate description, was started on 12/17/2013. It’s about three weeks so far. The seeds might get into the bin at the time, or ten days later, from pre-rot food after I finally realized worms eat decomposed food.

Either way, it’s amazing that a seed was able to start a life. Not to mention the container is kept out of light, I wrapped newspaper around it to keep worms warm and also block lights since worms don’t like them. The baby wigglers don’t seem to care, anyway, the adult ones usually hide under the cardboard pieces, but they do come up to nibble rotten food which I prepare for them.

Suffice to say, I am stunned by this little thing’s resilient, I watched it growing for a few days. Each day, it grew about 1 cm. I might have to transplant it or it would hit the lid for sure.

Oddly, coincidentally, it’s happening at the time I am feeling frustrating. Although, I didn’t realize at the time, but now I do. It’s as if telling me that there is always a possibility which you would not have foreseen. Things might turn out better, or not, but you just have to try. Again.