This is 99% not a healthy meal, but quick, easy, and simply delicious.

Here is a snapshot of ingredients I used (the pickled cucumber on the left is not used, also one garlic clove was added, not pictured):
  • chili bamboo shoots
  • fermented bean curd
  • corn kernels
  • fried gluten with peanuts
  • pickled lettuce
  • cucumber
  • cilantro
  • green onion
  • garlic

From the look of these, you could see why I don’t think it’s healthy. The methods are simple, just chop everything and pour into a container, then mix well.

Once rice is cooked, top with the mixture. I like rice porridge to be with enough cooking liquid and the grains are still firm, not like other Asian rice porridge. However, eventually, the pot the porridge I cooked would become mushier in its own liquid.

When next time I eat this porridge, I just scoop enough porridge to the same bowl, heat it up in microwave oven, then top with cold mixture which is just taken from fridge. I like the cold and hot contract, besides it would cool down the heat, easier and quicker to eat.

As for flavor, the bamboo shoot provides some spicy and cilantro has really nice lifting for plain porridge. Texture, cucumber for crunchy, fried gluten with some unique chew, and boiled peanuts are nice to bite in.

The amount of mixture I have probably can feed me five to ten meals in that bowl size. I didn’t actually calculate, but I did read some of nutrition fact labels and I don’t think it’s not that unhealthy. Could be just a couple of hundreds of calories, however, the sodium might be still high.

Anyway, it’s not about that, but how quick I could stuff in a meal in just a few minutes. And yes, I did eat a bowl like that for a meal regularly.