scrobblerh (Bitbucket) is a multi-user command-line interface for scrobbling and now-playing status updating. It supports both password authentication or authorization, using add-user to add a user, for examples, from project’s README:

$ scrobbler add-user hauzzer
User hauzzer added.

$ scrobbler add-user hauzzer --password ******
User hauzzer added.

$ scrobbler add-user
The authentication page will be opened, or its URL printed here.
Press enter to continue.
Press enter after granting access.
User hauzzer added.

Multiple users is possible and to view the users using the list-users command:

$ scrobbler list-users
hauzzer | b431328fc489a4f6e6eeee3e8a0f5537

To remove a user, there is remove-user command.

Scrobbing is easy, just make sure all fields fall in right order when using scrobble command, user name, artist name, track name, scrobbled date/timestamp. Additionally, -a for album name, -d for duration of the track, -tf for time format, here is an example:

$ scrobbler scrobble hauzzer Kansas "Lamplight Symphony" 2013-15-07.15:32 -a "Song for America" -d 8m16s
Track scrobbled.

For now-playing status, using now-playing:

$ scrobbler now-playing hauzzer Kansas "Incomudro - Hymn to the Atman" -a "Song for America" -d 12m17s
Status updated.

Note that there is no timestamp field with this command.

scrobblerh is written by Никола Вукосављевић under the GNU GPLv3 License for Python 3, currently version 1.1.2-1 (2014-03-30). I didn’t even pip install it because I have my own scrobbler, in Bash, and it’s working just fine for three years. No need to re-configure or to figure how to make it work with MPlayer.

This scrobbler is a good one, I could see it. The interface is clean and easy to understand from the examples it gives. If you need a scrobbler for your media playback, you might want to consider it, that’s of course you could do some scripting by yourself.