Blackskirt (GitHub) is a Python library for finding out dates like the date of nth Wednesday in April, 1999.

For example, this Thanksgiving is going to be on 2014-11-27:

>>> from blackskirt import (
...     WEEKDAY_SUN,)
>>> from blackskirt.ops import (
...     mondayise, next_weekday, prev_weekday,
...     nearest_weekday, nth_weekday, last_weekday,
...     next_date, prev_date, nearest_date,)
>>> nth_weekday(year=2014,
...             month=11,
...             n=4,
...             weekday=WEEKDAY_THU)

The query is asking the fourth Friday in November, 2014. And the Black Friday and Cyber Monday will be on 2014-11-28 and 2014-12-01, respectively:

>>> next_weekday(year=2014,
...              month=11,
...              day=27,
...              weekday=WEEKDAY_FRI)
>>> next_weekday(year=2014,
...              month=11,
...              day=27,
...              weekday=WEEKDAY_MON)

It has other functions such as mondayise, nearest_weekday, last_weekday, prev_date, and next_date for other querying. It only answers with one format, YYYY-MM-DD, simple and not ambiguous at all.

It’s written by James Nah under the LGPLv3, currently version 0.1.1 (2014-04-15), it runs on both Python 2 and 3.