We all know cat can show multiple file contents easily, for example:

$ ls *.txt
1.txt  2.txt
$ cat *.txt
content of 1.txt
content of 2.txt

But the problem is you don’t know what from which file, and sometimes you really want to see the contents with filename rather than being concatenated into a big chuck of text as that’s what cat does and it can’t help you with that.

Some answers give good solutions to it.

1   more

Using more probably is the easiest way and simply memorable:

$ more *.txt | cat
content of 1.txt
content of 2.txt

2   head and tail

I could never remember the correct meaning when using -n -#, I always have to try it out first.

$ head -n -0 *.txt
==> 1.txt <==
content of 1.txt

==> 2.txt <==
content of 2.txt

$ tail -n +1 *.txt
==> 1.txt <==
content of 1.txt

==> 2.txt <==
content of 2.txt

3   find

The benefit of using find is you can filter and find files deep in, or some funky patterns.

find . -name \*.txt -print -exec cat {} \;
content of 2.txt
content of 1.txt

4   Script

Of course, you can always come up with a simple one-liner, but if you need to do this task, a simpler way definitely is the best.

$ for f in *.txt; do echo "Filename: $f"; cat "$f"; done
Filename: 1.txt
content of 1.txt
Filename: 2.txt
content of 2.txt