texttodo (GitHub) is a Vim plug-in for todo.txt or any plain text files. It basically is a syntax highlights.


Here is the example.txt:

----------------- Simple -----------------------------------

[ ] this is a todo
[.] this is a low priority todo
[x] this is a finished todo

----------------- More stuff -------------------------------

!this is a highlight line

TODO: this is a pink todo
@@: this is a pink todo

`1 ` and 1
`2 ` and 2
`3 ` and 3
`4 ` and 4

[ ] this is a todo
   * this is a comment1
   * this is a comment2
      - this is a comment2.1
          . this is a comment2.1.1
      - this is a comment2.2
   * this is a comment3

URL under score http://fayaa.com/

Number highlight, 0.9, -0.8, +1.8

Since it’s only a syntax highlighting, you still need to enter the tasks by hand, i.e. [x]. Not long ago, I came across another plug-in, simple-todo.vim, with that you can simple add or toggle a task.

At this moment, it still has some minor issues, for instance, the URL highlighting is slightly bugged. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

texttodo is written by Frank Ren under the MIT License, currently post version 0.01 (2014-04-10).