If you are familiar with PEP8 and its official checker pep8, then doc8 is something you might like as well. I was thinking it should be called rst8, but then I recall reStructuredText is done by docutils library, so doc8 makes sense.

Here is an example output on one of my project:

$ doc8 docs/
docs/usage.rst:86: D002 Trailing whitespace
docs/introduction.rst:23: D001 Line too long
docs/_build/html/_sources/introduction.txt:23: D001 Line too long
docs/_build/html/_sources/usage.txt:86: D002 Trailing whitespace

Ah ha! Pesky trailing whitespaces are caught. I don’t know you, but I don’t like those useless whitespaces hanging around. doc8 definitely is a keeper for me, don’t know the programmical incorporation yet, but it would worth adding it to tests for automatic checks.

It currently has four checks: D0001 to D004:

lines should not be longer than 79 characters, plus some exceptions
no trailing whitespace
no tabulation for indentation
no carriage returns (use unix newlines)

Like pep8, you can disable any checks you don’t like with --ignore, --allow-long-titles and --max-line-length would make the lengths more flexible or sensible.

doc8 is written by Joshua Harlow under the Apache License Version 2.0, currently version 0.3.3 (2014-05-19), for both Python 2 and 3.