FindGitHubEmail is a Bash script for finding out the email address(es) of a given GitHub username in:

  1. GitHub Profile: the email address is made to public if the user decides to

  2. Email addresses in user’s public event

    I believe this is associated to the email address in commits.

  3. Gravatar

findGitHubEmail is used as follows:

findGitHubEmail [-e] [-g] user -- Find the email address of any GitHub user

    -h, --help Help: display this help message
    -e Event log: show all emails that appear in the user's event log
    -g Gravatar match: attempt to match an event email to the user's Gravatar ID

Here are three sets of examples, some text or parts are hand-masked:

$ ./findGitHubEmail livibetter
$ ./findGitHubEmail -e livibetter
$ ./findGitHubEmail -g livibetter

$ ./findGitHubEmail emam****avi
$ ./findGitHubEmail -e emam****avi
$ ./findGitHubEmail -g emam****avi

$ ./findGitHubEmail github
$ ./findGitHubEmail -e github
$ ./findGitHubEmail -g github

The second example was actually finding the email address I needed a few days ago, when I was thinking about to contact the owner of a forked repository since the issue feature isn’t enabled and I couldn’t really find any public email address by searching the username, even in search engine results.

The event log -e seems to be listing every email addresses in event log, if it could do some calculation and come up with some more probable addresses to be listed first, it would be nice. But asking that for a Bash script is really asking too much in my opinion. Gravatar -g seems to be quite reliable, if it does return one.

Frankly, I probably wouldn’t keep this, it’s not if it’s not useful, but it’s when I need this, I most likely wouldn’t remember its command name. It’s not every day that I need to contact someone on GitHub who happens to make their email address private or have no other methods to contact them.

FindGitHubEmail is written by Matt Hodges under MIT License.