PolyMaze is an interesting project, if you have a kid or have to deal with very young children, this might help. It can generate a maze image like:


The source is this blog’s favicon source image. It has some other options:

$ polymaze -h
usage: polymaze [-h] [--string STRING | --image IMAGE]
                [--complexity COMPLEXITY]
                [--shape {HexaFlower,Triangle,Qube,Polycat,Square,OctaDiamond,Hexagon}]
                [--aspect ASPECT] [--font FONT]

Make and save mazes.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --string STRING       Make a maze for each character in STRING.
  --image IMAGE         Make a maze from IMAGE (path).
  --complexity COMPLEXITY
                        Numeric scale for complexity. 0.5 is easy. 100 is
  --shape {HexaFlower,Triangle,Qube,Polycat,Square,OctaDiamond,Hexagon}
                        Make the maze with this shape. Random otherwise.
  --aspect ASPECT       Set the height/width aspect of the maze.
  --font FONT           Provide a font name/path for string mazes.

You can change the --complexity or the --shape. With --string, you can also give it a --font file to render with. There are more example images in its GitHub repository.

PolyMaze is written by John Nieri under the MIT License, currently version 0.5.3 (2014-06-05), for both Python 2 and 3 with PIL or Pillow.

By the way, I like the help message for complexity “100 is WTFImpossible.”