Once in a while, or weirdness, some strange package or project would show up somewhere. weirdify is yet another weird proof. From its README:

Weirdify input text

$ python3 weirdify.py Make this text look stupid
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Before I checked the source code, I thought it probably had a huge list of mapping for the characters, but, no. The entire code only has 38 lines including blank lines. It turns out there is already a standard Python module for Unicode data called unicodedata. Of which, it utilizes the normalize function with NFKD form to convert the characters:

The normal form KD (NFKD) will apply the compatibility decomposition, i.e. replace all compatibility characters with their equivalents.

While skimming over the code, another caught my eyes, the os.EX_USAGE, which probably was first time I have seen in being used in Python code. I recognized it because I knew a few C code uses that.

Not sure if this has any usefulness outside of weird or stupid domains. Maybe in chat room, like this?

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weirdify is written in Python 3 by Sebastian Hanula under the GPLv2.

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