I currently have 29-16=13 repositories on GitHub, all public non-forked, and I hate for the amount I have when there is a few of number I could honestly say they are actively getting updated.

In real life, I am no where near neat freak, but for some reason, I really hate leaving trash all over Internet, where is filled with garbage and spams, and I just want to keep my things clean and organized.

Anyway, I looked around but don’t like the idea of backing up repository even some maybe able to even back up issues and wikis. So, I turned my attention to repository transferring1 repositories to second account. I got the idea, because I have recently giving control of an organization to someone1, although it’s not literally GitHub Transferring, but you got the idea.

I pressed Ctrl + Shift + P to create a Firefox Private Browsing session for signing up so I wouldn’t need to be logged out on my GitHub account. Got into the registration form, but as I put in my Google backup account email address, yes I also have a backup account for Google stuff — another reason why I thought about creating a second GitHub account — for no reason, I searched for GitHub ToS, just in case, and I was disappointed to read this in Section A. Account Terms:

  1. One person or legal entity may not maintain more than one free account.

Bummer! I have to abandon ship and jump ship with 29 repositories, at least 16 of which are inactive for two years. It would be like escaping a tropical storm from a sunk ship, swimming for miles (by the way, I can’t swim) to a teeny tiny resource-limited isolated creepy crappy — do I have to go on? — with 16 useless persons who can’t increase your survival chance but only dragging you down.

Just as I was giving up, organization came to recuse me, there was barely anything about it in ToS, so I created a new one, livibetter-backup (The identicon is very interesting), then transferred 16 of 29 to it right away. In other words, leaving those 16 repositories to death on that island.

I am fully aware that some links around the global would be that number we all are familiar with, 404, but I could only careless about that, when I can see none of those 16. I probably don’t even bother to fix my own blog posts if any of them are linked in my posts until I finally stumble on them myself, which, the chance is pretty slim.

The best of all is I don’t have to memorize a second login, in a way, I am actually glad that GitHub disallows of second free account, so I can get the idea of using organization to backup — or to store, however you want to call that action — all the unwanted repositories I have created all over the years.

29, even I know know the actually probably was 33, I had tried to get rid of some already, isn’t as high as some other people. A lot of GitHub accounts has a profile that you have to press many times of Page Down, I really don’t understand why people want to create stuff they don’t want at that ridiculous magnitude, truly don’t get it.

When I was staring at those 29 repositories for months, all I could think is: Well, they represent my coding skill in some form. Now, with only 13, I feel 55.17% better, even that’s just an illusion. Nonetheless, the truth is: 13 are still too many when only a few of them is active.

Too bad that GitHub doesn’t have redirection feature as Bitbucket does.

[1](1, 2) As of writing to this point, I reaalized that I could create an organization instead for backing up by transferring repository under the orgranization without breaching the ToS, I think I just find a loophole in GitHub ToS, since there isn’t much about an organization in ToS.