I was trying to take a peek on some C source code from Internet, which are mostly small as far as I know, so I thought I could just output them directly to standard output using the -, commonly representing the standard input or output in command-line option. Up until the moment, I used to issue like:

% wget -O - "$URL"

It suddenly came to my mind, even though I quite often to put the option value — in this case, it’s the - — right after the short option name without the space separator, but this is the very first time I did it for -O, the output file option. As I did it, hadn’t yet run it, I realized that I just made an emoticon, I believe, or at least looks like one:

% wget -O- "$URL"

Not sure if it’s a Un*x, Linux, getopt, or GNU convention to be able to compose options in this way. Nevertheless, it’s interesting to see these characters:
