Almost five years ago, I posted Arch is the best! after reading this thread, which was posted little over seven years ago, proclaiming Arch’s superiority with OP’s script. I replied to the thread with my script, which uses FIGlet to print out “Arch is the best!” with every available font.

Years later, this time is still “Arch is the best!” only in various languages that wiki provides.

It has grown from a one-liner to a script:

# by Yu-Jie Lin, 2015-07-26T03:47:58Z, Public Domain

: ${F:=/tmp/Arch_is_the_best.html}

[[ ! -f "$F" ]] && wget -O "$F" "$W"

# D=/tmp/aitb
# mkdir -p $D
# grab() {
# printf -v N '%04d.png' $ii
# xsnap $REGION -file $D/$N
# let ii++
# }
# ii=1


# grab

echo -ne '\e[1;37m'
cat "$F" |
sed -n '/ASCII Banner/,/<\/pre>/p' |
sed -n '/<pre>/,/<\/pre>/{s/<pre>//;p}' |
head -n -1
echo -e '\e[0m'

# for ((j=0; j<20; j++)); do grab; done

cat "$F" |
sed -n '/id="Translations"/,/<!--/p' |
sed '/ASCII/,/<\/pre>/d' |
sed -n '/<pre>/{s/<pre>//;p}' |
while read line; do
echo -ne "\e[1;$((RANDOM*6/32768 + 31))m"
for ((i=0; i<${#line}; i++)); do
echo -n "${line:i:1}"
sleep 0.02
# grab
echo -ne '\e[0m '
sleep 0.2
# for ((j=0; j<10; j++)); do grab; done

It’s very basic, the coloring is the only thing barely can be called fancy, it took me about 15 minutes to write it, 10 of which probably for cutting the right sections out; another 5 for those frame grabbing for recording.

The banner was part of the list, originally I removed it because it wasn’t a one-liner, but I felt it needed a big text to bring up those translations, so there it is, and perfectly fitting.

What would it be in 5 years further?