First of all, a bit of off-topic: Finally, the files of IOCCC 2014 (23rd) is released, which I’d been waiting very patiently since the winners were announced on 2014-10-27. (2015-08-02T04:36:08Z)
The entry maffiodo1 for the 23rd International Obfuscated C Code Contest comes with two games — audio included:Mario Bros. and The Great Giana Sisters. The following screenshots were taken and scaled up to 800x500 from original 320x200:

It has a lot in it, read the author’s comment about the parameters, sprites, and levels, but in short, the author said:
This is an engine for Platform Games. It can be used to create games like the legendary Super Mario Bros. With this simple and clear source[ ]code you can create all the games you want, for free!
And of course, the source code must look like the following or it wouldn’t be an IOCCC entry, would it?

maffiodo1 is written in C by Sandro Maffiodo, with SDL 1. The source prog.c (2015-07-20) has only 64 LOC or 3,730 bytes.
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