Moon-Buggy is side-scrolling run-and-gun (or jump-and-gun?) platform game which you control a moon buggy trying to traverse the terrain of the moon. You don’t drive, just jump and shoot.

Moon-Buggy in action, and also a video.
You will encounter craters, from tiny to big ones, the bigger crater you can jump over, the higher score you earn. It has 8 levels. The moon buggy is also equipped with laser beam, that you can destroy meteors if they block your buggy way, which they do, each requires 3 strikes of laser beams. Firing laser beam costs one point of score, but if you hit on a meteor, you earn more scores back.
It really is a fun game, especially you can share high scores among users, a little competition would be nice. By the way, you can jump-shooting, although I don’t know what the purpose is, maybe hostile UFO?
The animations are stunning, details, details. The wheel spinning, the laser hitting the rock to disintegrate into nothing, and my favorite, crashing, parts broken and being thrown out into the air, curving down and hitting the ground, then rolling.
Moon-Buggy was created by Jochen Voss on 1998-12-17, written in C with ncurses under the GPLv3, currently git-e4b97c9 (2015-05-30, post v1.0.51 (2006-03-19)).
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