I am sure many of you know of Ncdu (NCurses Disk Usage, video), but I found tdu (GitHub, video) is a simpler option, and frankly, I like it better.
It uses the output of du, parses and renders out a tree or outline as seen below.

You can sort by size, name, number of descendants, or unordered as from du, toggle on the numbers of descendants, switch to ASCII line-drawing as seen on the right of the screenshot above.
It’s not fancy, that’s clear, but the tree or the outline representation gives you a better sense of how space is used. Only if it can has bar charts to display the size and the amount of descendants, tdu would be the perfect disk usage visualizer in my opinion.
tdu was created in 2004 by Darren Stuart Embry, written in C under the GPLv2, last verison 0.0.20121127 was nearly three years ago. There is also a Perl version.
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