A couple of years back I wrote about the builtin vs keyword conditional expressions, but I didn’t think about another conditional use with arithmetic, that is with tests like [ $a -gt $b] or [[ $a -ne 0 ]].

Use similar code to benchmark 1 > 0 as shown below, not the real code, but you get the idea:

time for ((i = 0; i < 10000; i++)); do <test> 1 >/-gt 0 ; done

The result is:

<test> withtime% slower
test (builtin)6.538s45.5%

(( is just marginally faster than [[ by my definition. Of course, they both are faster than builtin [ and test, as for /usr/bin/test, it’s an external command, there is no point to test, because it’s slow for sure.

With this result, there really isn’t much difference between two, however, 1 > 0 is more readable than 1 -gt 0, literally and mathematically.


Yes, [[ 1 > 0 ]] is a valid syntax, but it doesn’t do what you think, it’s not arithmetically but lexicographically. In short, it’s for strings, see bash(1), and there is no such this as [[ 1 >= 0 ]].