ASCII-Pony is a screenshot information tool, but it does not display distribution logo like screenFetch, ponies from “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic” (2010-) instead, which is an animated television show for children.

The script is even named systempony, how fitting to this pony overloading tool. You pony it for screenshot, pretty sure it’s a verb. As for what it actually mean, I have no clues.
It comes with nice help message and even configuration file for you to set up a pony and information you want to display, so you don’t need to use command-line option every time you take a screenshot.
The list of ponies includes, from README, so far, 16 ponies or 21 with variations:
- Twilight Sparkle (Both as a unicorn and as an alicorn)
- Rainbow Dash (Both with open and with closed wings)
- Fluttershy
- Rarity
- Pinkie Pie
- Applejack (Both with and without the hat)
- Derpy
- Trixie (Both with and without the hat)
- Rose
- Lyra Heartstrings
- DJ Pon3 (Both with and without shades)
- Princess Celestia
- Princess Luna
- Big McIntosh
- Princess Cadance
- Colgate
I have too many ponies for a day.
ASCII-Pony was created by Mattia Basaglia on 2013-11-06, written in Bash with lsb-release, lxc for container info, and PHP for pony generation under the GPLv3+ and CC-BY-SA 3.0, currently git-a592ea8 (2016-01-02).
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