I tweeted this to a Twitter, then she decided to put it in her profile bio line. That makes me extremely happy. I think if I blog this I may find more people who might like it.

My curious has caught me, always do some investigations: Google it! Amazingly, I only see five entries and all of them don't seem to be written by native English speakers. I believe that is the reason why would she describe my words as "beautiful", because she have never heard people saying like that before. But that is my guessing.

Actually, I could say "Hold on to the chance in your hands." It's more clear and that's what I meant to say, but I rather not. Who would never know we should not let chance slip away? It's not a wisdom, we all know that since we grew up. The point of this is a reminder, which reminds of what you have stopped to listen. That's your heart.

It's just like good or evil. We are born to know and able to distinguish them relatively. However, knowing them doesn't mean that you would face them. Lack of courage or having excuses, I have mine and you have yours, too. That's not a sin, it's a fact. A fact of being a human.

Sometimes, I think life is really dark and darkness is necessary as a requirement of existence of lightness. They are not absolute value, not like 0's or 1's, true or false. They are relative, they are black, they are white, they are gray. They are everything based off  your thoughts. I have no idea why would I have such thought. I also have no idea why would a post named "Chance is in your hands" come to this place.

Now, back to chance. You probably noticed that I use singular form not plural form. Why? Because you only need to have one at a time, treat it well. Some people have dozens of chances waiting for them, but they get nothing in the end. Because they don't cherish what they already have, they take chances for granted.

One by luck; two by mistake; three, you should thank the whole world; four, your God love you very much; five or more, please don't steal in your daydream.

A good creation should not be judged by how the technique is hard, how high-tech it is, how much money creators put in, or who they are. It should be judged by how they use what resources they have. Do they 100% utilize each unit of resources? Do they show their grateful heart to the resources? I know that sounds weird. Cherish what you have, even you have nothing.

Saying is much more easier than action, many people are masters at it. I am not sure if I can when the time comes, but I do know I didn't let the chance of writing this post left. Once you have, all you need to do is to listen and to step out, that's the most hardest part.