That means you don't have time to backup. It's just gone, boom!
suddenly! gone! nothing left. Although I don't believe that would be
real someday, but this is fun to have a figure of what I would lost:
  • AdSense: I am not even have enough money to request sending a paycheck. So this is not big deal to lose this.
  • Alerts: If I don't have this, how could I stalk?
  • Analytics: It's OK to lose, my statistics never get high enough.
  • Base: I have few documents on it, but I barely can remember what they are.
  • Blogger: Well, this is possible one that I don't want it to be shut
    down. I currently have 5 blogs, 4 of them are active. 70+ posts.
  • Calendar: "Schedule" is never in my dictionary.
  • Code: I have two major repository on it. But one of them is mirroring to GitHub. The other is not active anymore.
  • Docs: I have few public documents and some private documents. I wouldn't like to lose them.
  • FeedBurner: If I don't have Blogger, then this doesn't matter.
  • Gmail: Right now I have used 327 MB, the contents of mails are not
    so important to me, but the sent/received dates are. How so? Those
    dates mark when I did what thing. They represent my life.
  • Groups: I did post some postings, but that's OK to lose.
  • Notebook: Not really have "knowledge" on it.
  • orkut: I have account, that's all.
  • Page Creator: I put some JavaScript scripts or images, but they are mostly part of my coding.
  • Picasa Web Albums: Most of them are screenshot for blogging.
  • Profiles: Doesn't matter.
  • Reader: Honestly, I have only searched in it for once or twice at
    most. What I have read in it is not important, but if I don't have
    Reader, then I need to get used a new reader, so I will lose time.
  • Search: Do we have other search engine? what we do? oh... that's news to me. :)
  • Sites: I recently use it to create my "index.htm" website, which is the index of me. I can't afford to lose it.
  • Talk: I have plenty of choices.
  • Video: Some people don't even know there is Google Video.
  • Web History: Google has no longer indexed all of you history because of some responses, mainly from Europe I believe.
  • Webmaster Tools: Same as Analytics.
  • YouTube: I only have four videos (I think), it's OK to lose mine. BUT, what should I do if we don't have YouTube. You can't take our fun away!

I believe that I miss some. Since I missed, that means they don't matter.

I think I may try to find some ways to backup my stuff on Blogger, Code, Docs, and Gmail. Any suggestions?