First, do you know what is "index.html"? If you don't, please read Index.htm on Wikipedia, that will only take your few minutes. Basically or formerly, it's a directory of that website. I still remember when I was a student, I got a gig to design a web page of  a office of my school. The head of the office asked me why "index.html", what does that mean? If I recall my answer correctly, that would be: It's the first page that Internet users would be checking up for a new website to them.

I chose to create a Google Sites (will refer as GS as follows) as my index.html website, which means I use GS' service as my personal directory website. I think the infrastructure of GS is great. For a directory, you don't need it to be fancy when you are not a designer. You only need to show the information of you in a formal way or just spreading it out. Simple, quick, and easy is the only requirements that we should have to focus on.

Actually, I have a GS before this index.html website. However, that one is private, I am the only one can access to it. I put my to-do list, ideas, thoughts on it. That do help a lot.

Few days ago, I think it's in this week, I created my second GS. The name of it is "Yu-Jie Lin", that is the same as my name. I created some pages to list my favorites of things and projects, which I am currently working on. I also list what social network websites I am using or I had used. And a contact information, of course. "About me" page isn't created yet, but I will.

I guess creating a page with List is my favorite feature of GS. You can add fields, you can sort the list as the way like, you can add and delete items easily. Besides List feature, you can store files  and/or embed some gadgets. The pages are created in hierarchical method, which is a great way to organize.

I believe that we all need a website but definitely not meaning a blog. They are different. Blog is a specific website, you need a general website to represent you. Yes, you can create page in a blog as if you can do in a WordPress blog. But, that is just a page in blog, not in your website.

I had used a social network website (FriendFeed) as my website link in many social network websites. I then realized that is not quite a good idea to do, because not everyone who happens to be interested in you and are like to read stuff in social networks, at least not in that one you link to. More over, a social network website has very narrow purpose, the functionality is limited. Social network website would never be perfect as your website.

Go signing up for GS and create one for your own.