I wrote a small piece of JavaScript to do this job.

This screenshot shows how it works. The screwdrivers are hidden not completely removed. You can click on the left-top newly screwdriver to get them back.

This Screwdriver button helps blog owner easily to modify gadget when browsing their blog, but it lengthens the whole page and that’s not what their blog readers would see. Those buttons would probably not be clicked for some bloggers, so hiding them might be a good idea and having a new button which can restore those screwdrivers might be a even better idea.

The installation is easy. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Add a HTML/JavaScript gadget to footer.

  2. Put the following code:

    <script src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
    <script src="http://yjl.googlecode.com/svn-history/r85/trunk/Blogger/HideQuickEdit.js"></script>

That’s all. If you are interested in the source, you can check it out here.