I just made this:


A Magpie Ads Detection to Last Tweets. If you still don’t know what Magpie is, check out its website and search for its ads.

Basically, it uses your Twitter account to send ads and all you followers read the ads. I don’t like tweets are sent by non-Human including those message relaying from other social networks. I never sign up for this Magpie, but I have few tweets from Blip.fm, soon I found out that is annoying.

Those who has signed up have strange thoughts. They usually tweeted an announcement like: “I set 1 ads for every five my tweets, if you feel annoy or something, please tell me.”

Isn’t that funny? You already foresee the outcome, why bother asking? If you like the money for ads, then just DO it. It’s like saying “I am sorry my love, I wouldn’t have next time.” You already have thought about what to say when you get caught.

Here, I am not saying doing ads is bad neither meaning Magpie is bad, but I just don’t like the way they do. If they can provide an opt-in solution for followers, I would totally agree with their service, although I still won’t sign up or opt-in to accept the ads.

Actually, they can directly show ads to those who want to make some money with them, but I think they are afraid of being fooled by mass bots. Just like Twitter spammers. When I was adding this detection, I need to find an Twitter account who follows a Twitter that uses Magpie. For those I have found for testing the detection, I have strong feeling like 9 out 10 are bots, in other words, Magpie is dealing with bots already.

If you don’t like Magpie, then try my Last Tweets1 to find who is using Magpie; if you like Magpie, be brave to use it, you may find some real ads lovers. :)

[1]Last Tweets http://lastweet.appspot.com/ is gone and discontinued.