A screenshot explains all:

I track these keywords on Twitter:

anyone OR livibetter OR linux OR fedora -mccain -obama -biden -palin
I track "anyone" because I think anyone who needs a hand would ask anyone comes to help them. So when I read a tweet which I know the answer for it, I will check that Twitter user, follow them (not always), and reply with my answer.

I believe anyone suddenly gets a response from unknown person may feel strange. 140 characters is not really enough to reply and introduce myself as well.

Besides Twitter, I also have a browser tab staying in FriendFeed's public page.

I don't have many things to do in current state of my life. I have not many desire for myself, therefore I think if I can fulfill for someone else, that will be making two people happier at least. However, I am really looking forward to reading something very thoughtful, insightful, or potential within those asks. For example, asking an implementation of a new idea, which can significantly improve the efficiency of something. But all I have replied are "what is the link of XXX?", "doesn't anyone know YYY?", etc.

When I take an action for a plan iff I will use the result or I know someone definitely will use the result. By tracking on Twitter, I actually seek the audiences of their own ideas.

People may make stuff for money, ideal, fame, or something I couldn't imagine. I know I do for fame, just want to see lots of people using my stuff. Unfortunately, that haven't happened.