Since I created SuperNext, I started to see a lot of adult contents on LiveJournal. I believe that those are spams as well, but I am not sure since they are written in Russian. I also found out they are many Russian contents on LiveJournal.

In order to do what I think I should do, I signed up. I didn't see any button to report after signed up. I checked up the help and get FAQ #281. Let me quote the important part:

Entry Viewers: Logged-in viewers with accounts more than a month old can use the Flag icon on public entries to flag another entry, journal, or community as Explicit Adult. This will send the report to a moderation queue...

So, I have to wait and I totally agree with this policy.

I haven't known about what LiveJournal really is. I think it is a blogging platform, am I right? I might take some time to investigate.