After upgraded from Fedora 9 and had some problems, I decided to do a fresh installation. I finished the whole process less than 2 hours. Amazingly, I got exactly same environment. Yes, exactly same, including the problems. None of them got resolved.

I don’t know what’s going on, so I can only wait again. Here is the screenshot of Amarok:

That looks like GTK 1.x, so old school. Looking ugly is acceptable if it doesn’t play. yea, it doesn’t play anything, even the OGG.

And screenshot of Flash‘s problem:

Beside two above, I also have Java problem and gcin problem (scim-chewing has no problem, but I like gcin). So far, I didn’t edit any configuration files, all are default.

PackageKit and NetworkManager are still the worst things. I don’t want to say that, but that’s the truth. It doesn’t give me any Next-button methodology but troubles.

One thing I very like is the booting screen, this made me think doing a fresh install is worth even I got nothing resolved. Check this video out.

This is probably the most awesome over all operating systems, not even Mac OS X can compare with new Fedora booting screen in my opinion. They have no chances. Awesome!

Please give me updates!

1   Updates

1.1   2008-11-28

The Amarok playback problem has been resolved. I got few updates via yum yesterday, they include kdelibs, kdelibs-common, and kdemultimedia-libs. However, after updated and rebooted, Amarok still doesn’t play. Today, I install phonon-backend-gstreamer and that’s the resolution. One thing I don’t understand is why wouldn’t phonon-backend-xine work? and qtconfig-qt4 still reports Phonon and GStreamer backend are not available. Amarok still look ugly. PS. MP3 is also playable.

The Amarok ugliness problem has been resolved by yum install qgtkstyle [#qgtkstyle]. Here is a screentshot:

About the Java slow problem, I have tried the Sun’s JRE 6u10.i586, same result. I feel it runs slightly faster, but that should be nothing to do with this problem. The problem must be in deeper space. In case anyone wants to try, you can install as follow steps:

  1. Go to download at
  2. Run it at /opt
  3. Run alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jre1.6.0_10/bin/java 2 (Note the path is for Update 10, it may change when you download)
  4. Run alternatives --config java to use Sun’s JRE.

You can read Sun Java Installation for more detail.

1.2   2008-12-01

Today, I am lucky to read this thread [F10] ATI Radeon XAA vs EXA [SOLVED]. It mentions nomodeset kernel booting parameter and that’s the resolution for Flash and Java problems. Yes, including Java problem, I don’t know why but it did resolve. Now I only have one problem left, gcin.

1.3   2008-12-09

Just got some updates, including java-1.6.0-openjdk-1:, mesa-dri-drivers-7.2-0.14, mesa-libGL-7.2-0.14, mesa-libGLU-7.2-0.14, xorg-x11-drv-ati-6.9.0-61. Now Flash and Java work normally without booting with nomodeset.