I downloaded the Fedora 11 Beta i386 DVD and verified with sha256sum — from Fedora 11 Beta, all hashes change algorithm to SHA-256.

The first problem I got is filesystem error, the solution is to use another bootable disc, Rescue Mode of Fedora 11 Beta doesn’t work. Fdisk’d partitions: /boot, /, and swap. Make first two with system id 83, ext3. Then reboot. In the installer, use custom layout, assign partition types and format swap partition. This seems to be a bug of Anaconda

After last package installing, I got an exception and only had an option to exit installer. Luckily, it seems to continue the process without harm after rebooting. Few next button clicks, I saw the logon screen.

After logging in, kerneloops came up and the desktop is kind of weird. The GNOME panel doesn’t look normal, it must be video driver problem. I set up a DSL connection and got AVC denial, but that doesn’t seem to be a problem.

Once again, PackageKit is still annoying. First thing is to terminate it and remove it from system. Then I set up RPM Fusion repositories in order to get nVidia driver. After installing the driver and rebooting, video is now working normally. I timed the booting, it took nearly 40 seconds.

Now I can take a look of Fedora 11 Beta. The only obvious difference is the desktop background image, that’s all I can tell. Other features is listed here, Firefox 3.1 beta and Python 2.6 are only programs that I am interested.

Fedora 11 Beta didn’t surprise me, hope the official release would do.

[http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/9269/screenshotebz.png is gone.]