Months ago, I decided to use Google Sites as my index.html. Now livibetter.mp1 is the new one. Chi.mp2 looks like a profile plus little scale of FriendFeed. You can give visitors your contact information, activity stream and many other things. designs well, though there is still some small things are not perfect.

Once you signed up, you can get the dashboard. From there, you can update your status, e.g. Twitter’s updates, add photo (to Facebook and/or to Flickr), or write blog post on Clear view of your contacts and contents. If you switch to Dashboard / Personas & Privacy, you can change theme and switch every single content source on/off.

Composing your Profile, you can put phone numbers, addresses, emails, etc. And give them into to different personas. For example, you can only allow friends accessing your phone number. You can also upload avatars. You can even upload favicons. Both avatars and favicons are able to show differently to different personas.

In Content section, you can import content just as you do in FriendFeed, but you don’t have many services to import. As of writing, there are Yahoo, Feed, Flickr, Twitter, Hotmail, Facebook, and Gmail. Here is one drawback, you actually already set some social networking websites and blogs in Profile, however, you need to do again here.

In Setting / Site Settings, this section also amazes me, you can set page Title, HTML Meta Description, Google Analytics ID, Google Webmaster Tools Verify Code, and MicroID. even gives you one Email Forwarding, what can I say, I love! You should already know supports OpenID, and you wouldn’t possible to find an OpenID in so short URL, mine is

After I go through all settings, I dumped Google Sites and Google Profile.

Own. Evolve. Enjoy!

[1](1, 2) is gone.
[2] is gone.