I read this post on FedoraForum, you can more information about Fedora Classroom on Fedora’s wiki. This classroom is quite unusual for me, it’s on IRC chat. If you wonder how it works as I did, try read this Introduction to bash shell scripting.

The next session will be on 10:00 UTC on this Saturday and Sunday.

On Saturday
  • Introduction to Fedora Classroom and Sessions
  • Setting up a Virtual Routing Environment using Fedora and User Mode Linux
  • Introduction to Netlink Sockets - What are they
On Sunday
  • Introduction to Fedora Classroom and Sessions
  • Introduction to busybox and qemu on fedora
  • Fedora Networking Basics
  • Fedora Classroom Wrap-up Session

When I first saw “Fedora Classroom,” I thought it might be using video, live or not. Or something like podcasting. A pure text IRC chat is out of my expectation. So, surely, I will be in this classroom tomorrow to see how it really works, and hope I can see you there, too.