A tweet1 gave me an inspiration, Message in a bottle. For these days, everything may have to evolve to adopting a different path.

I don’t know why people would want to write a letter and put it into a bottle, then let the bottle travel through waves of ocean. Maybe a day, a month, or years, someone would pick up the bottle and read the letter. Or maybe it never have a chance.

Somehow, I feel this is a good idea, imagine that you can be able to write a message online and put it into a virtual bottle. Then a system will select a random person who is also participate, and send your message at a random moment. Once the recipient reads your letter, you may get a reply from the person if you choose to be contacted.

I’ve also thought about combining time capsule. You can set a time when the bottle will be found. More over, the recipient can re-seal the bottle and pass on.

There are many possibilities that this idea could achieve. If you are interested in and able to create an application, please contact me. Let’s what we can make for it.

[1]https://twitter.com/kyriabeingbanal/status/1439299670 is gone.