I didn’t even know where Bruges fucking was. It’s in Belgium.

Two hitmen travel In Bruges, because one of them, Ray, made a mistake in last job. Generally, every character seems to have difficulties in emotion or to be sensitive to senses. Strong contrasts, such as child and Father, art and murder, friendship and order, etc. The whole movie isn’t boring, lots of funny points keep coming out one by one.

The only purely good person is the guesthouse co-owner, but the character doesn’t have many scenes. Although Ken is a supporting role, but I think he is more important. He protects Ray and sacrifice own life to give Ray a chance. I believe the reason is to hope Ray can make a difference, become a different person, not a hitman anymore. It seems that Ken has been tired of being hitman, even though he didn’t say that, but I feel that’s all about.



The employer, Harry, is interesting. He arranges Ray’s last trip to Bruges for letting Ray see a beautiful-and-might-be-boring town. He thinks that may leave Ray some good memory before Ray dies. Kind of funny, why not just kill? When Harry and Ken at the top of tower, Harry shoots Ken’s leg, but then help Ken walk down stairs and shoots Ken again. It’s all full of confusion and conflicts.

Ray struggles with the mis-kill, but I can’t understand why he can no regret to kill a Father and why does someone hire hitman to kill a Father?

Anyway, this movie is good with nice message:

Number One, why aren’t you in when I fucking told you to be in? Number Two, why doesn’t this hotel have phones with fucking voicemail and not have to leave messages with the fucking receptionist? Number Three, you better fucking be in tomorrow night when I fucking call again or there’ll be fucking hell to pay. I’m fucking telling you - Harry.