A day ago, I downloaded Opera 9.63/10a to give them a try within GNOME Desktop Environment. I then found out Compose Key and iBus didn't work. Opera now still only ships Qt3 for x86_64, there is Qt4 Opera. iBus has no problems with Qt4 applications. If you have Qt3 programs, you need to run by
XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus QT_IM_MODULE=xim qt3_program

About Compose/Dead Keys, you need to run by

In fact, if the program is Qt3, then you only need QT_IM_MODULE=.

There is one thing you should be careful to claim if Compose/Dead Keys works or not. If you want to get “é”,
  • In KDE, you can only compose as follows: [compose]+[']+[e]
  • In GNOME, not only the sequence above, but also: [compose]+[e]+[']
Make sure you use correct sequence to test Qt applications.

However, I can not make both worked together, either I have iBus or have Compose key. I could only have one working in both Qt3 and Qt4 programs.

PS. If you are not sure what version of Qt is using, just check up Help»About [Program's Name], that will tell you what version of Qt it is using.

  • 2009-01-22 Fixed QT->Qt