The Line1 [IMDb, Wikipedia] is a TV show mainly around cops (and nudity scenes and lots of f**k-word). I have never been a fan of cop things, and not for this one, either. But it does bring me up some interests.

After I watched the first episode, the 60-min runtime has given many. Cheating, drug deal, violence, alcoholic addiction, family problems, stress. The story is quite tight, one right after another, but not tense as if you might think. At least, it’s not a mass shooting cop show.

Each role has strong personality, good’s or bad’s. None of them is perfect. They all get something missing or get something wrong with themselves. The amount of characters in this show is quite many, I haven’t seen that many in a show and just in first episode.

The second episode is more intense and emotional, especially the stress on Carlos. Everyone has on own problem or some has same problem. Situation gets out of control, not going as their expectation.

This show is good but maybe a little bit of dark humanity. It also tried to put in some humor in episode 2, however, I don’t think that’s necessary.

You can watch it online on Movie Central2 (Channels » Series » J-R)


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