For a long time, I always feel the official SEARCH BLOG button (at the top-left) is kind of confusion. Is that for searching a blog? or for searching a blog posting? or for searching a blog posting in this blog?

Though is one of the biggest blogging platform providers (Is it the biggest?), but that doesn't mean everyone understand each little part of Blogger. Some Blogger bloggers just add their own search box, which is obviously clearly. But why do we reinvent the wheel when there already is one search box?

I decided to make a simple background image to indicate where the search box is. The result looks like:

This background image used Inkscape to render the text, and GIMP to draw the arrow and to mix.

If you want to have same thing on your Blogger blog, you can go to your blog's Dashboard » Layout » Edit HTML, find body { in CSS section. Just right after that should be background:$bgcolor;, however, this may differ in different blog templates. Make it look like
  background:$bgcolor url( top left no-repeat;

Save your template, this should be working now.

If your blog already has background image, then you will need to edit it on your own. This may look terrible in IE6, I only tried this on FF3.

Updated on 2009-10-24: Modified image to match new Blogger navigation bar's layout.