This is no use anymore, Twitter has rolled out Retweet feature! (2009-11-11)
I have been wanting for a Retweet button for a so long time on official Twitter webpage, but it never happened. Today, I spent an hour or two to make a simple script. One click on bookmarklet can add a button below the Favorite and Reply buttons. Check out the picture below, you should have a better idea.

The red arrow points at this new Retweet button. If you click on this new button, it will bring the retweeting tweet into status input box. This script should work on your Twitter home page, someone’s profile page such as mine, @livibetter, tweet status page, or search results.
At home page, if you click on more button at bottom of page, then you only need to click on bookmarklet once more. That will add Retweet button to new tweets.
The following is the bookmarklet, drag and drop it onto your bookmark toolbar.
Bookmarklet removed. (2015-07-11T06:13:39Z)
The code is licensed under the modified BSD license.
Added button to tweet status page, such as (2009-10-20)
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