The Label Cloud feature has been released for one and a half months, I just tried it out. The representation of cloud is fine, but not as good as my LabelX (An external JavaScript to convert original Labels gadget into a label cloud representation). The benefit of using original official functionality is I don’t need to add more JavaScript, which will slow a bit the page loading.

However, it doesn’t show the post count when your mouse cursor stay on a label. I know you can show post count after label, but it’s too ugly! The original partial XML code is as follows:

<b:loop values="data:labels" var="label">
<b:if cond="data:blog.url == data:label.url">
<a expr:dir="data:blog.languageDirection" expr:href="data:label.url" href=""><></></a>
<b:if cond="data:showFreqNumbers">
<span dir="ltr">(<data:label.count>)</data:label.count></span>

I have modified this part code, the revised version is as follows:

<b:loop values="data:labels" var="label">
<b:if cond="data:blog.url == data:label.url">
<b:if cond="data:label.count == 1">
<b:if cond="data:label.count == 1">
<a expr:dir="data:blog.languageDirection" expr:href="data:label.url" expr:title="data:label.count + &quot; post&quot;" href=""><></></a>
<a expr:dir="data:blog.languageDirection" expr:href="data:label.url" expr:title="data:label.count + &quot; posts&quot;" href=""><></></a>
<b:if cond="data:showFreqNumbers">
<span dir="ltr">(<data:label.count>)</data:label.count></span>

Now it can show the post count, it’s not really a necessary point to all blogger, but I want that. You can scroll down to bottom to check it out.