The projects are dead and some links have been removed from this post. (2015-12-02T00:35:06Z)
Twimonial and Let Secrets Out (“LSO”) are my 7th and 6th GAE apps, it created both in a month. I decided to post about them because I couldn’t get anyone to use them.
You can read about why I created LSO in its blog, the code is licensed under the modified BSD. Here is a screenshot of it:

As the title describes, it’s a place let you post your secrets, anonymously. I believe I created for good of the world, but I just could get it to the people who need it.
Twimonial is an webapp to let you read or add testimonial about other Twitter users. I got the idea when I saw someone tweet a Follow Friday recommendation. It’s just a list of @username, I wondered would anyone really follow by just seeing that? I really doubted, at least, I would not follow. And a screenshot of it:

So I thought what if I could read more about those Twitter users? Then, that is testimonial. And here comes Twimonial. The code is not released, it’s not because I didn’t want to. It’s because why I wasted my time again. Not really much people are interested in my stuff. The only code I got someone (probably only one) to use is BRPS, which might be the only thing I could say “I made it!” I think I should also mention a failure of mine, I Thank.
If you are interested in participating or giving feedback, free feel to contact me or leave a comment. If you would use any of them, I just want to say you are the best!
PS. I also submitted a link to reddit for Twimonial.
Someone asked if I could make Twimonial support Identi.ca and I did but it is a separate app called Dentimonial. Go check out if you are a Identi.ca user. (2009-12-16)

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