I had known of this new Panorama feature in Firefox 4 from other blogs’ post titles. When I first saw “Panorama,” I thought that was Panoramio. I was wondering why Mozilla introduced Panoramio, then I read the title again and I did.

I totally forgot it when I just installed Firefox 4. I accidentally brought it up by pressing Ctrl+Space unawarely.


I thought ‘What the heck just happened?’ then I was trying every key combinations I could think of to get back to normal browsing mode. I finally got it after I watched the introduction clip of Panorama.


Just press Ctrl+Space again or click on thumbnail. I have no idea why I didn’t try to click at first place.

Anyway, it’s a cool feature. You create some groups, organize them. They will even get together again next time you open them. Ctrl+Space allows you to cycle them over group by group, tab by tab. But it’s not a useful feature for me, I rarely would open tabs more than five. The screenshot above took me opening half of my bookmarks (liar!), I know some people are tabmanic or tabholics, Panorama must be their thing.

There is one more thing I want to mention, it’s the memory usage of these 16 tabs. Firefox only used less than 300 MB, I would bet it’s kind of improvement, though I had never known how much memory it takes for 16 tabs in previous tabs.