I am using Firefox 64-bit beta 5 prerelease nightly build, it works well on my Gentoo. And Vimperator also works, well, from the repository, of course. I have to edit the install.rdf because it only sets up up to beta 4. I bumped the version and built the xpi, it works great!

Almost all addons are not compatible with beta 5, AdBlock is the only one has an update for beta 5 prerelease, but I disabled it later. The reason I don’t want to use AdBlock is same as I have with Chrome. The speed has been improved, though it is still slower than Chrome.

I think I should get some numbers, so I tested it with first website I could find from search.

Before I show you the results, I must tell you that I just wanted to get a rough idea about how fast they could execute JavaScript, I didn’t try to make sure my system is all ready for the benchmark test to run. I had some programs running behind but they were not heavy tasks. Firefox 3.6.8 (8 addons) and Chromium (2 extensions) have some addons installed, but I don’t think it would make big difference if I disable them.

Now, here is the chart and numbers:|||(ms)|Time||&chxr=0,0,1400&chxt=y,y&chbh=a&chs=800x320&cht=bvg&chco=A2C180,FF9900,BBCCED,7777CC&chds=0,1400,0,1400,0,1400,0,1400&chd=t:447.4|480.8|719.4|1255.8&chdl=Chromium+6.0.490.1|Opera+10.61|Firefox+4.0b5pre|Firefox+3.6.8&chg=-1,7,4,0&chtt=Browsers+SunSpider+Tests"
Chromium 6.0.490.10447.4ms +/- 12.3%
Opera 10.610480.8ms +/- 01.4%
Firefox 4.0b5pre0719.4ms +/- 01.9%
Firefox 3.6.81255.8ms +/- 01.2%

From the results, Fireforx 4.0b5pre is about 60.8% slower, but a benchmark is an intense test in different special cases. The real use might not result in such difference. When I just fired it up, I immediately felt the performance improved and I couldn’t real tell if it’s faster or slower than Chromium. The memory usage also seems improved, though I haven’t used it thoroughly.

Vimperator is always something very important addon for me, I even tried to create a similar way to open bookmark in Chromium. Since it’s already in beta stage and stable enough for me, so I think I should probably go back to Firefox and Vimperator. Hope the future release could have more performance improvement. UI improvement is really useless to me since I use Vimperator.