I can’t remember when I saw October Sky, probably a few years ago.


This film reminds me when I was young at first grade. There was a page on textbook, sketches of many kinds of occupations. I have never been one of them.

When you are young, you would have a lot of dreams about everything in your future life. Who you want to be, what kind of job you want to do, what pet do you want…

As you growing up, you start to realize that the real world isn’t like in your dream, you compromise, take the second on your list. If it’s still not achievable, you pick the third place, then the fourth, and so on until you run out of backup plans.

But that’s not something stops you chasing your dream, the only thing would stop you is yourself. I am, I know. The real problem is I am not sure I ever have a dream. If you don’t have any, what are you going to chase?

I was chasing for something I didn’t know. Now I look back where I had been, I don’t even know if I could ask myself: Why did you waste so much time on those?

Anyway, it’s a great film.