After two failures, I made it at third try:

Eggless Baked Onion Rings: Take 3

I wanted to make onion rings but not using eggs and frying method. My first try was using milk as batter, I torn bread with bare hands. A disaster to say the least. The second try used milk and butter, I used blender this time and baked bread to dry out the water. Much better.

I think the coating couldn't get glued on onion is the problem. So, the third time, I baked and blended bread, then baked and blended again. They are pretty fine.


I also added cheese in the batter, so it was thicker.

Butter + milk + cheese as batter.

Using two bowls, so I could cover onion with coating and press the coating tight on onion rings.


I didn't spray oil on rings because I didn't have such thing. But it's good enough for me.