First of all, I have never played Scrabble™ before, but I always want to. The only thing I knew of it is players make word out of those tiles they get and earn score from the point denoted on the tiles. Who gets the highest score who wins.

Note is gone. (2015-07-20T14:03:32Z)

When I first heard of, I didn’t get a good start. It doesn’t have a FAQ, About, or a real How to Play page. You just, ah, play when the board loaded, Yes, it has a How to Play instruction but you have to know Scrabble first.

Here are the rules I have learned on my own:

  • All words read from top to bottom, or left to right.
  • You can only start off a new word from your currently own tiles, unless you are a first-time user, you can start off from tiles already on board.
  • You can only place new tiles on board in either horizontal or vertical line. You can only place one line, but it can form more than one word, e.g. your tiles pass by other tile form an intersection, but they all have to be valid words.
  • You can place new tiles to connect the tiles from previous words of either yours or others. If you connect to others, the connected tiles will be yours, you acquire them. It means you can start off a new word from those tiles you just acquire.
  • You can place new tiles across existing tiles of yours or others.
  • Tiles includes 26 English alphabets plus a blank tile. When you place a blank tile on board, you can assign a letter to it, it’s a universal tile, it can be one of 26 letter you want.
  • Names are not valid words, unless it’s somethings like Rose, Ivy, etc.
  • Capitalized words are not valid words, e.g. Hebrew. If there was a word “hebrew”, then it would be a valid word.
  • Read Scrabble on Wikipedia for more.

I would suggest:

  • Trying to form words with 4-letter or more.
  • Trying to extend as fast as you can because other people are playing, the space is limit. You cover more and leave small spaces as much as possible, then they would be harder to invade your territory.
  • Cornering new players is fun to do. Block their ways, claim their tiles. Be evil! ;p
  • The most important suggestion: Start from an edge of a huge empty area!


I always want to write a starter guide for a great open source software, but my first one is for Funny. (:)