I am trying to find a Scrabble game. I was able to run two.

First one is XScrabble, I am not sure if it has a official website.i It’s in Portage, so I have no problem to install it. Here is a screenshot:


It’s like Scrabble but it’s with bizarre color palette. Computer opponent has 7 levels.

Second one is Scrabble3D. (You can play without 3D)


I don’t think I would want to fry my brain with 3D, it reminds me of an old game, Tertis in 3D. It could fry your CPUs also, it can use all of your cpu cores.

I downloaded Test-Scrabble3D-i386.gz (2010-11-01), I was hoping it’s a source tarball, but it’s not based on the filename. I still downloaded it, gunzip, file. I got 64 bit executable file as result and it does run on my pure 64-bit Gentoo.

I also tried to compile Quackle 0.96, but I couldn’t get past the first step, running scons.

There are more on Internet, some are online. I didn’t spend much time on looking in them. The one I really want is one runs in terminal. It really does not need those fancy tiles and board, XTerm 16-color is more than enough to have fun and much better performance. Well, monochrome is okay to me, too. There must be a such ancient program somewhere.

I also want Scrabb.ly1 to have a textual interface, in terminal of course.

[1]http://scrabb.ly is gone.