I was cleaning up the subscription videos and recommendations on YouTube. After I finished I noticed I got a new comment on this video, so I checked my reader and immediately notice the $.

This is the second time I received money and the first time I didn't ask for it. It just came unexpectedly.

To be honesty, I don't consider x11grabr is at the stage for donation and I personally don't think putting a donation button will really get me some extra money. I did recall once someone asked how can send me some money for something I wrote, but I gratefully turned down the offer.

I feel no shame to admit most of my code is actually at garbage grade as in term of WINE, therefore I don't really want to receive donation. I would feel bad for it. Who doesn't like money, I do also, but I just don't feel right to receive the money.

Since the money is already in my account, I guess there is some button to return the money but I won't do it, that is another reason I won't do it. If this generous gentleman asks me for my Paypal email first, I would thank him and ask him for comments/suggestions instead of sending me money. (I am guessing my email isn't so secret after all.)

As of x11grabr, it has been almost two weeks no pushes to GitHub and actually not much on my computer. I did try to fix the A/V out-of-sync issue by using ffmpeg/libav as library, so x11grabr can output a container with time code, that should be able to fix it.

However, I didn't have much progress, I can generate a Matroska (MKV) with still a rawvideo (bgra pix format) from XImage's data, but the video just doesn't get right. There is something I don't use correctly. Unfortunately, I don't know what it is and to tell the truth, I don't exactly understand how to use ffmpeg/libav to generate a media file correctly.

I believe I have actually thought about to pause the development until... well, I am not sure. The project has been watched by three people and now the money. I feel I would need to continue one way or another.

I have asked at #libav on IRC and that's how I knew I should generate a media file. I could just ask again, but I don't really like using IRC.

A couple days ago, I wanted to post on ArchLinux's forums as a community contribution project announcement as well as a help wanted thread (I don't use Arch anymore, but Arch does have the best community in my opinion), but didn't do it.

Anyway, I would need to clean up my current working copy, so if I still can't figure out on my own, then I can ask for help with cleaner code.

Right now, I don't have any mood to do anything.

(If you already know how to resolve the A/V out-of-sync issue as well as generate media file using ffmpeg/libav, or you just want to join the project even you are learning like me, please shoot me an email or message me on GitHub)