Before I moved xcinfo to Bitbucket, I had already written script to plot the trail of my mouse movement. The following image demonstrates the movements of 4 hours:

For every position my mouse at on screen, it will be render as a circle (radius = 10 pixels) with radical gradient, the position is polled every 0.1 seconds. For consecutively same position is only rendered once.

From what I see, the high density are seem to be around little to the right and bottom of center pointer. This area probably is where I usually have the focus of web page placed and click up on if I do.

Also a horizontal line near on the top edge, and you can also see there is actually a space in the line, that’s because I use dwm and usually I have two windows vertically split. That line should indicate my movement over Firefox’s tab handlers.

4 hours would have 4 * 3600 * 10 = 144,000 points at most. If we roughly count the redundant rate is 90%, then it’s about 14,400 point rendered. But I don’t think mine is lower then that. And clearly, there are a vast region which my mouse has never visited because there is no need to when you use tiling window manager and mainly use mouse to control windows.

You can get the code and make one of your own, please head over to project repository and read mouse trail subsection in Examples section.