xcinfo is a utilization I use for bzen2, it was hosted on GitHub alongside my dotfiles. Because of this one-liner, I decided to move it to its own repository and expand it with a few examples.

That one-liner snaps a screenshot after detecting mouse movements. I like this idea, though it has no use for me. I think it’s more or less for security measure. The method it uses is to read the device file of X pointer, it has pros but also the cons. I decided to write an alternative using xcinfo, which becomes an example of xcinfo.

I am sure some of you who write shell scripts has hard time to get X cursor information, mainly the X and Y position. I was not aware of any handy program for getting those two numbers. That’s why I wrote that little C code in the first place last year.

The information which xcinfo provides should cover most of your usage, the cursor position and screen size. If you need more, open a feature request issue, I will see what I can do about. A pull request, that would be even better.

By the way, I have also worked on a fun example, you can also read the examples section on project website.